Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Media Ethics Essay Sample

Media Ethics Essay Sample Media Ethics Essay There are different kinds of media the press, entertainment and social media. Thus, there are different ethics for each one but almost similar to each other. In the past decades, journalists adhere to media ethics and have high standards but these days it appears that the press is overpowered by whoever has the bigger money or whoever is closest to the owners of the media company. Media these days are used to cover up other political or economic issues. They are used to inculcating certain ideas to the viewers. A person popular for something good can easily and quickly turn into an infamous one with how the media constantly show him to be. Sometimes real events about war and other crises are being diverted and covered up with other stories. That is how media are these days. Despite the lack of strict adherence to media ethics, here are the general ethics that they should have been following. In journalism, they follow the ethics of accurate and factual reporting, slander and libel considerations, and they have a harm limitation principle. The first one is of course expected. Media are expected to inform everyone else about something true. They need to give the actual facts and not make false truths or make assumptions. However these days, with a large number of media, some are not sticking this kind of morality. Many give false facts to people for the reasons to intrigue, grab attention, and sell. They should be publishing corrections to errors as soon as these mistakes are discovered. However today, when media commits mistakes, some even have the guts to deny their mishap and continue to stick on it. The second one is in line with the sensitivity of the first. Reporting facts is in a thin line with slandering someone especially if the event is leaning towards negativity. That is why it is very crucial for media to report as accurately as possible, so as to avoid libel a nd slander. The third one is to show right judgment and compassion to those that are affected by the event being reported. For example, the news is about a family man murdering a girl, then reporters should also be keen on the children and wife of the guy, and all others related to those involved. Just because they are reporting about them does not mean that they own them. Another form of media is entertainment. The ethics being upheld in this industry are the use of violence, sex, and use of strong language that is why there is always a categorization or rating of the films so to keep audiences aware whether they would be comfortable with it or not. Another one is product placement. Films should not be mainly just about promoting products, therefore they should accordingly use products in their productions, so it does not mainly become a commercial of it. There is also a discretion in presenting stereotypes and taboos in films, so not to encourage the wrong mindset to viewers. So, there is ethics that the media industry has to follow but with the freedom and rights being practiced by practically everyone these days, it has become challenging to keep both the journalists and the entertainers strictly adhering to the rules without modifying it too much to their own advantage.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Vigencia de la visa americana y cuándo ya no es válida

Vigencia de la visa americana y cundo ya no es vlida Pocos asuntos migratorios causan ms confusià ³n que entender cul es la vigencia de la visa americana y cul es el significado exacto de la la fecha de vencimiento. Para evitar graves errores que pueden costar muy caro en este artà ­culo se explican la vigencia de 3 situaciones: la visa de inmigrantela situacià ³n de los que pueden ingresar como turistas o para negocios sin visa a Estados Unidos visas no inmigrante, como, por ejemplo, las de turista, trabajo temporal, intercambio o estudiante. En el caso de las visas no inmigrantes se informa, adems, de cà ³mo es posible estar legalmente en Estados Unidos con la visa expirada y tambià ©n el caso contrario: cuando a pesar de tener una visa sin vencer se est en el paà ­s en situacià ³n irregular, lo que puede dar lugar a consecuencias serias como cancelacià ³n de la visa, expulsià ³n inmediata o deportacià ³n. Finalmente, para el caso de las visas no inmigrante en la categorà ­a de turista y/o negocios, tambià ©n conocidas como B1y B2, se especifica por cunto tiempo mximo pueden ser emitidas y cuntos ingresos a Estados Unidos estn permitidos Vigencia de la visa de inmigrante Esta visa se aprueba en los consulados o embajadas de los Estados Unidos y permiten ingresar a los extranjeros a los Estados Unidos como residentes permanentes legales. En otras palabras, como titulares de una green card. Cuando se aprueba esta visa su titular tiene un plazo de 6 meses para ingresar a Estados Unidos. Y es precisamente en el momento en que ingresa en el que se convierte en residente. Su visa estampada en el pasaporte y sellada en un control migratorio se convierte automticamente en una green card. Unas semanas ms tarde el nuevo residente recibir la tarjeta de plstico por correo. Adems, las tarjetas de residencia tienen una vigencia de 10 aà ±os, pero su titular puede perder ese estatus si no reside habitualmente dentro de Estados Unidos. Vigencia de estadà ­a legal para los que ingresan sin visa Los ciudadanos de 38 paà ­ses pueden ingresar a Estados Unidos sin visa cuando el objetivo de su viaje es negocios o turismo en aplicacià ³n del Programa de Exencià ³n de visas (VWP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). A esta regla general aplica una excepcià ³n: cuando se llega en un avià ³n o barco privado a un puesto migratorio aà ©reo o marà ­timo es imprescindible presentar una visa de turista o de negocios regular, no admitià ©ndose viajar sin visa. Cuando los ciudadanos de un paà ­s integrado en el VWP ingresan a Estados Unidos por avià ³n o por barco es necesario solicitar previamente y por internet una Autorizacià ³n que se conoce con el nombre de ESTA. El tiempo que dura la ESTA es de un mximo de 90 dà ­as y no  es posible extender la permanencia. En otras palabras, si se ingresa sin visa, no se puede pedir una extensià ³n porque, precisamente, no se tiene visa. No existe excepcià ³n a esta regla y quedarse ms tiempo de esos 90 dà ­as significa quedarse ilegalmente en el paà ­s y perder el privilegio de volver a ingresar sin haber pedido previamente una visa a un consulado o embajada americano. Vigencia y vencimiento de las visas no inmigrantes La fecha de caducidad de la  visa americana indica el dà ­a mximo que se puede solicitar el ingreso a Estados Unidos al llegar a una aduana. Pero hay ms, ya que es posible estar legalmente en USA con la visa caducada y al revà ©s: estar ilegalmente con el visa sin haber alcanzado su fecha de expiracià ³n. Para evitar problemas, como que  cancelen la visa o incluso que te prohiban regresar a Estados Unidos por tres o diez aà ±os, es necesario saber quà © realmente significa la fecha de caducidad en un visado americano. En este artà ­culo, adems, se explica quà © hacer cuando se tiene el pasaporte vencido pero la visa no y tambià ©n cundo hay que sacarse una nueva, aunque no està © expirada. Adems, destacar que en el caso de las visas lser, tambià ©n conocidas como tarjetas de cruce local, aplican reglas especiales que nada tienen que ver con las de las visas de turista normales. La fecha de caducidad de la visa americana no inmigrante La fecha de caducidad quiere decir, con carcter general, que ese dà ­a es el à ºltimo en que una persona extranjera puede  presentarse en un aeropuerto, puerto marà ­timo o puesto terrestre fronterizo de los Estados Unidos y solicitar el ingreso al paà ­s. Sin embargo, hay excepciones. Y es que lo dicho en el prrafo anterior aplica a las visas de entrada mà ºltiple. Es decir, las que estn seà ±aladas con la letra M en el apartado de Entradas. Sin embargo, en algunos paà ­ses las visas de turistas y de negocios se dan para un solo ingreso o un nà ºmero  limitado. En el caso de los paà ­ses hispanoparlantes, en la actualidad lo habitual para todos los paà ­ses es que las visas de turista y de negocios y la combinacià ³n de ambas se den por 10 aà ±os por entradas mà ºltiples. La excepcià ³n es Cuba donde se aprueban con una validez de 6 meses para una sola entrada o, en ocasiones y solamente para las visas B-2, por 5 aà ±os con entradas mà ºltiples. Por à ºltimo, en el caso de las antiguas visas indefinidas, tambià ©n conocidas como Burrough, decir que dejaron de ser vlidas el 1 de abril de 2004. Por lo tanto, las personas que tienen estos visados y desean ingresar a Estados Unidos deben solicitar una nueva visa. En contra de lo que muchas personas creen, la fecha de vencimiento de la visa no quiere decir que un extranjero puede permanecer legalmente en Estados Unidos mientras no se llega a ese dà ­a. Cà ³mo saber dà ­a fecha tope de permanencia legal en EE.UU. Si se llega  con una visa de turista o de negocios, es muy comà ºn que te conceda 180 dà ­as, pero puede establecer menos dà ­as.  En el I-94 queda registrada esa fecha. Adems, en la pgina oficial de la CBP para este formulario se puede obtener informacià ³n interesante sobre, por ejemplo, el historial de ingresos y salidas y se puede obtener una copia del mismo. Los extranjeros con visas temporales de inversià ³n, tipo E-2, reciben visados vlidos por 2 aà ±os que pueden renovarse todas las veces que se quiera, siempre que se cumplan las condiciones de la visa. En el caso de visas temporales de trabajo, cada categorà ­a tiene su propio tiempo de duracià ³n de la validez. Por ejemplo, la H-1B, popular entre profesionales, se aprueba por un mximo de 3 aà ±os renovable por otros 3. Adems, los extranjeros que llegan con visa visa temporal de estudios, intercambio, etc vern que junto al sello que marca su ingreso a los Estados Unidos se escriben las letras D/S. Y significa que se puede permanecer en el paà ­s mientras sigue en activo el programa en el que se participa. El tema de cunto se puede permanecer legalmente es fundamental. Ya que no entenderlo puede crear problemas migratorios muy serios. Por ello es importante entender  los tiempos y los periodos de gracia, segà ºn el tipo de visa. Tambià ©n es importante conocer cules son las consecuencias de no respetar los là ­mites de permanencia legal y, en el caso de los turistas, con cunta frecuencia se puede ingresar sin arriesgarse a ser parado en las aduanas y enviado de vuelta al paà ­s de origen. La visa sin expirar,  ¿garantiza el ingreso a Estados Unidos? No, la visa sin expirar es solo uno de los requisitos para solicitar con à ©xito en ingreso a Estados Unidos una vez que se llega a uno de sus puertos de entrada (aeropuerto, puerto o frontera terrestre). Las à ºnicas excepciones a la necesidad de presentar una visa sin vencimiento son: ciudadanos americanosresidentes permanentes legales, que deben presentar la green card y sus pasaportesturistas y personas de negocios de un paà ­s del Programa de Exencià ³n de VisasY personas en situaciones excepcionales a los que se le concede el ingreso sin visa, lo que se conoce como parole, como por ejemplos las personas que pueden solicitar asilo y el oficial de migracià ³n cree que hay una razà ³n mà ­nima para creerle y que el proceso sobre si se le concede o no se decida ms tarde, ya en Estados Unidos. Todos los extranjeros que no se encuentran en las situaciones mencionadas necesitan una visa sin expirar y, adems, que: no sean inelegibles, en el caso de visas temporales y personas en el Programa de exencià ³n de visadosno sean inadmisibles, aplicando esto incluso a los residentesque la visa no haya sido cancelada o revocaday que el ingreso a los Estados Unidos se busque para el fin especà ­fico de la visa. Este à ºltimo punto es muy importante porque puede dar lugar a muchos problemas. Por ejemplo, si se pretende ingresar con una visa de turista pero la intencià ³n es casarse. Otro ejemplo, es cuando se viene a estudiar con visa de turista o se sospecha que se viene a trabajar sin visa de ese tipo. Corresponde al oficial migratorio decidir si permite a un extranjero la entrada o, por el contrario, si lo envà ­a de regreso a su lugar de procedencia. En el puesto fronterizo pueden suceder distintas situaciones. Es importante entender cul realmente tuvo lugar para intentar luego resolver el problema. Por ejemplo, no es lo mismo una expulsià ³n inmediata que una situacià ³n de I-275. Visa expirada pero estancia legal o no problemtica Esto es posible en diferentes situaciones. Por ejemplo, para el caso de los turistas si la fecha de vencimiento del visa llega antes que el dà ­a seà ±alado en el I-94. Por ejemplo, si la fecha de expiracià ³n de la visa era el 24 de septiembre de 2011, pero el I-94 seà ±alaba como fecha mxima de duracià ³n de la estancia como el 24 de noviembre de 2011, se ha estado en situacià ³n regular hasta ese à ºltimo dà ­a. Incluso si tanto la fecha de expiracià ³n de la visa americana como la del I-94 ya han vencido es posible conservar el estatus migratorio legal siempre y cuando antes de su vencimiento se haya pedido una extensià ³n de la visa a tiempo y de buena fe e Inmigracià ³n la apruebe. Si bien si finalmente no se aprueba la extensià ³n hay que salir inmediatamente de EEUU y puede haber problemas precisamente por haber estado irregularmente. Esto tambià ©n ocurre en caso en los que se solicita un cambio de visa siguiendo todos los requisitos.     Por à ºltimo, otro ejemplo de visa expirada pero estancia no problemtica es en los casos de ajuste de estatus (como por ejemplo, en los casos de matrimonio con un ciudadano estadounidense). En estos casos tener muy en cuenta que si se quiere salir de los Estados Unidos mientras se est tramitando el ajuste es necesario pedir un advance parole. El no pedirlo puede dar lugar a problemas como que no permitan el regreso a Estados Unidos mientras no finalizan todos los trmites. Visa no expirada pero estancia irregular Por el contrario, es posible estar en situacià ³n irregular en Estados Unidos (lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como out of status) aunque la visa tenga una fecha de expiracià ³n que todavà ­a no haya llegado. Por ejemplo; si la fecha I-94 llega antes que la de la expiracià ³n de la visa, se debe salir del paà ­s cuando lo dice el I-94 y no la visa. Sà ³lo en casos excepcionales se permite restaurar el estatus.cuando se violan las condiciones del visado. Por ejemplo, un estudiante con visa F-1 que deja de acudir a clases por varios meses est invalidando, con su conducta, su visado. Estas son las violaciones migratorias por las que se puede producir una deportacià ³n o una expulsià ³n.O si tienes una visa de trabajo temporal y eres despedido. Debes abandonar Estados Unidos en el plazo seà ±alado para cada tipo de visa, pero es incorrecto pensar que puede permanecer en EEUU porque la fecha de expiracià ³n de su visado queda a varios meses, o aà ±os, vista. Pasaporte vencido, visa sin expirar Puede suceder que la fecha de vencimiento del pasaporte sea anterior a la del visado. En este casos no se debe solicitar una nueva. Simplemente viajar a los Estados Unidos con los dos pasaportes: el nuevo sin expirar y el viejo expirado donde est la visa, que todavà ­a tiene fecha vlida. Al llegar al punto de control migratorio mostrar los dos pasaportes. El oficial de Inmigracià ³n escribir las letras VIOPP junto al sello que marca el ingreso al paà ­s. Son las iniciales en inglà ©s de la frase Visa in other passport. Lo que nunca debe hacerse es arrancar la visa del pasaporte expirado e intentar pegarla en el nuevo. Esto produce siempre la anulacià ³n de la visa y no ser posible utilizarla. Necesario solicitar nueva visa aunque actual no est expirada Un caso completamente distinto al anterior es cuando se extravà ­a un pasaporte con una visa americana o cuando à ©ste es robado. En estos supuestos es importante seguir el procedimiento adecuado para reportar el hecho y sacar una nueva visa. Tambià ©n se tiene que solicitar de nuevo la visa en los casos en los que, por la razà ³n que sea, à ©sta se daà ±a, mutila, etc. El caso especial de la revalidacià ³n automtica de la visa En casos muy concretos, es posible viajar al extranjero con la visa expirada y volver a entrar en EEUU, lo cual es contrario a la regla general de funcionamiento de los visados. Es lo que se conoce como revalidacià ³n automtica de las visas, pero est sujeto a condiciones muy especà ­ficas: Tener una visa no inmigrante que ha expiradovisitar desde EE.UU. Canad, Mà ©xico o islas adyacentes, como por ejemplo, Bahamasvisita en esos paà ­ses inferior a 30 dà ­asTener un I-94 vlido, registro de entrada y de salida Deben darse TODOS los requisitos. Consejos a tener en cuenta Millones de extranjeros ingresan cada aà ±o a Estados Unidos por los puertos de entrada al paà ­s. La inmensa mayorà ­a no tiene problemas o son mà ­nimos, como por ejemplo, tener que pasar por una segunda inspeccià ³n. Para evitar problemas es importante respetar siempre las leyes del paà ­s, como por ejemplo pagar las multas de trnsito, conocer los aspectos fundamentales de la visa que se tiene, tener en cuenta que las aduanas de los Estados Unidos tienen un sistema muy completo de informacià ³n y que mentir aun oficial migratorio es un fraude de ley, lo cual puede tener consecuencias serias. Por à ºltimo, antes de poner en peligro la visa es altamente recomendable consultar con un abogado.   Adquirir conocimientos bsicos con test Se recomienda tomar este test de respuestas mà ºltiples o quiz de visa de turista. Son 19 preguntas. Conocer las respuestas sirve para evitar problemas y malentendidos a la hora de solicitar la visa, conservarla y renovarla. Muchos de los problemas tienen su origen en la ignorancia. Y à ©sta se vence con conocimiento. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Thursday, November 21, 2019


HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING IN MACDONALD COMPANY - Essay Example It revealed the way many companies such as MacDonald Company, which are providing large elements of personal services can achieve success through employing HR planning or development models vital for recruiting, training, retaining and learning process. Under varied development models, the researcher examined in details each aspect such as recruitment process and revealed the way a company can achieve success through recruiting people with required skills necessary for performing certain tasks. It also revealed the significant of training employees and retaining them through employing varied strategies vital for enabling them to manage employee relations. The researcher revealed the way learning process can enable workforce to improve their work related skills vital for increasing organizational productivity. It also provided the effective strategies implemented for positive employee relations, performance management and reward in an organisation. Lastly, the human resource performan ce monitoring techniques used with recommendations for the organisation to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of these operations were examined. The conclusion provided a brief summary of what have been discussed in the research project. Human Resource Planning in MacDonald Company Introduction Human resource planning is basically developing effective strategies in order match the size and skills of workforce vital for achieving organizational needs. The human resource planning process helps the organisation to recruit, retain, train and optimize the employment of the personnel required to match the objective of the company; thus meeting changes in the external environment. There is a need to incorporate the development, training and retaining strategies that the company can use in achieving the stated organisation objectives. MacDonald is one of the largest companies with it’s headquarter located in the United States and also largest global chain of fast food restauran ts. The company serves millions of customers every day in more than 119 countries; thus, human resource planning process is significant in the organisation. Therefore, the project evaluates the recruitment, training, retention and learning, as well as, developing strategies employed by human resource managers in MacDonald Company. HR Planning and/or Development Models The human resource planning is a continual process that attempts to guarantee flexible resourcing related to internal and external environments. An effective HR planning or development model is vital because it will help MacDonald to anticipate possible expected difficulties that might arise in the company (Armstrong, 2006, p. 56). The workforce has changed dramatically for the past decades because of rapid technology advancement and other aspects such as job expectations, ethnicity, family structure, racial composition and many other aspects. Moreover, social developments structure has drastically impacted on the natu re and organizational operations in the HR management such as training, recruitment, retaining, development and management programs. Therefore, the ability to achieve sustained competitive advantage, which is based on the ability to recruit, and retain a committed skilled workforce is crucial (Armstrong, 2006, p. 57). For many business entities such as MacDonald Company and many others, which are providing large elements of personal services, employing HR planning or development models is vital for recruiting, training, retaining and learning process. Recruitment Evaluation process for future recruitments needed in MacDonald Comp

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Sex and the Sickbed Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sex and the Sickbed - Essay Example Death is one such feeling that is not easily dealt by individuals under differential circumstances. The story ‘Sex and the Sickbed’ also mentions the same ideology of a partner losing out to another’s sexual needs and thus dying prematurely. This is a very unfortunate act which has happened for all the wrong reasons, as far as the story is concerned. The story is therefore a depiction of how a person meets the most significant challenges of his life. This has been stated within the story itself where Jennifer had to undergo pain because Neil had died and thus she had lost her as a partner. What Jennifer missed about Neil the most was that they would not be able to enjoy their sex life in the future which was a source of happiness for both of them. However, this will not suffice in the coming times as death has prevailed for the couple and they have parted ways through natural means. The case with human life is no different. One of the most disadvantageous aspects of human life is that it has to come to an end unexpectedly. This has been proven with the advent of time as people die every now and then, and hence their lives finish with others having dear hopes from them. There is a dire need to find out how these challenges can be addressed with the changing times (Rosenthal, 2009, 61). This is because the challenges change and hence the requirements alter as well. However, death is one significant mark that leaves a lot to be desired of as far as the human disposition is concerned. One must fathom the true meaning of death before commenting on it, and more so within the story of â€Å"Sex and the Sickbed†. The story gives a very true picture of how Jennifer would have to deal with Neil’s untimely death and what the consequences would be in the long range scheme of things. Neil left an indelible mark on the mind of Jennifer who is unable to deal with it and thinks of the sex life that they shared. With this, one easily understand s how complicated it is to make-do with life’s varied complexes and challenges that come about every now and then. Prioritizing them as the most important amongst the several ones is an arduous task, and more so when the discussion is centered on the story â€Å"Sex and the Sickbed†. This is because for Jennifer, Neil’s death is something that comes out as a serious and grave problem which shall remain with her entirety until the time she is alive. Not only is she missing Neil, she would have to miss the sex life that they shared as well. These are distressing times for Jennifer and she must come to terms with the same, the sooner the better for her own self (Author Unknown, 2007). The challenges keep on becoming bigger as the responsibility increases upon one’s own self. However, there are different implications for the people under varied circumstances as has been proven true in the story â€Å"Sex and the Sickbed† itself. Thus what is required n ow is a perceptual change in understanding that things need to be comprehended well before they are seen as being difficult or complex in entirety. This will solve a number of issues and concerns which have been coming on to the horizon, and more so within the lives of the people in the times much like today. In the end, it would be sound to state that the story hits the nail on the head. This is because people feel that the most complex problems could be ascertained if only the gravity of the quagmire is found out. This takes place through an understanding about the features which hurt the most and which shall create uproar for all the wrong reasons. The story is also judgmental as far as comprehending how the problems could be tackled, if and only if there is a collective understanding to bring about resolutions for the sake of sanctity in this world. All

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Impact of Globalization on Immigration Essay Example for Free

The Impact of Globalization on Immigration Essay Globalization could be the outcome of human interaction that came into existence because of the introduction or the prevalence of advanced transportation, means of communication, and recently information technology that facilitates political, economic, as well social coming together. Among the best definitions of globalization, looking at how the International Monetary Fund (IMF) perceives it might give a clear idea what it stands for. According to IMF Globalization is â€Å"the growing economic interdependence of countries worldwide through increasing volume and variety of cross-border transactions in goods and services, free international capital flows, and more rapid and widespread diffusion of technology. Another source that has a different take on globalization, the International Forum on Globalization defines it as â€Å"the present worldwide drive toward a globalized economic system dominated by supranational corporate trade and banking institutions that are not accountable to democratic processes or national governments. † What is interesting to note here is globalization per se does not have anything to do directly either with immigration or the movement of labor across borders. . Globalization had reached its epoch in the 19th century when there was interaction between European powers, the global European colonies, and lately the U. S. After the Second World War, the advancing of technology had enhanced it. It only takes to go back in history and visit some of the old civilizations such the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty of China the Silk Road had facilitated its commercial activity globally. It is also possible to look at the earlier Muslim traders and explorers that had created a global commercial interaction. The Mongol Empire had also contributed to globalization by making its presence felt in all the areas it was conquering and putting under its control. In recent years, especially after World War Two those who were in charge that include big businesses, politicians, and economists surmise that protectionism was costly and wanted to do something about it. The coming together of such minds helped the coming into the picture of the Breton Woods Conference and in its turn, it was able to usher in establishments that started to operate internationally and received global recognition such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and the World Trade Organization. This was the outcome of nations agreeing to come up with international trade organizations that will regulate global trade among member nations that have agreed to reduce tariff, as well as to open their market for each other. That was the time when the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) came forward. Its aim was bringing down tariff and trade barriers among member nations, by eliminating or mitigating restrictions on the quantity of imports and subsidies given for home producers, as well to make arrangements with member nations as it is needed, to facilitate the flow of goods and capital across borders (MacGillivray, 2006). Overall, globalization focuses on trade more than the pattern of labor movement, whether it triggers migration or not, and its priority always had been the movement of goods and capital and especially how direct foreign investment could be introduced into a given country and what form it will take. It was also working how to apply existing technologies and new ones and how to integrate them with what is taking place around the world so that the outcome will be beneficial for all involved, without putting anyone at a disadvantage. Eventually, the fact that globalization is not only economical but it also has effect on the social and political sphere of the participating nations was also recognized. There had been also a change in the methods used to measure globalization using the above-mentioned indices such as the size of the flow of goods and capital. The new method introduced to measure a nation’s globalization level requires looking at the flow of the economic activity, the prevalent restrictions and barriers in a given nation, in whatever form they are. The kind of information flow that is permissible, including what kind of business interaction is taking place, and the kind of cultural intermixing that is taking place are also part of the method (Kitching, 2001). What this leads to, as the latest developments attested is to a free trade zone among nations that are in a close proximity, as well as among global trading partners, in spite of their geographical proximity. Advantages cited for such arrangements include, it brings about economical prosperity to those who join hands, could enhance civil liberty, as well as it could introduce an effective resource allocation. The advantage in fact extends into lowering prices, could create more employment, and could introduce higher output, resulting in raising the standard of living of the people in the participating nations. Those who support globalization claim that this kind of laissez-faire arrangement of trade will introduce some kind of economic freedom in the long run by enhancing democratic governance and capitalism, which are at the root of the system of the advanced regions. In addition, the members of such advanced regions would benefit from a much higher material wealth that will come into existence through the process. Numerous advantages had been attained because of globalization in such a way that it had ceased to be only the removal of trade barriers and creating favorable trade conditions among the advanced nations. Developing nations especially in the Americas had been benefited after the introduction of free trade agreements such as North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that included a developing nation such as Mexico that had seen both advantages and disadvantages because of the introduction of free trade agreement where all barriers on trades had been removed and goods and capital could flow freely among the member countries. There are also Asian countries that had come together under the Association of South Asian Nations (ASEAN) that are among the developing nations benefited from the globalization that they introduced among themselves. There are also many developed countries that are being given preferential treatment by advanced regions by giving them a preferential trade agreement where some of the tariffs could be eliminated or could be reduced allowing these developing nation a better access to the markets of the advanced nations. Such measures alone have brought about changes where they have introduced many improvements. Among the improvements that were brought about through better trade arrangements that enabled the developing nations to export more of their products with minimum tariff or without any tariff into the advanced markets is income inequality, for the obvious reason where now commodities could not only command a better price but there is market for them outside of the usually depressed home market. When the standard of living of people in a given region is improving it is obvious that aspects such as life expectancy and infant mortality could be improved and that is exactly what had happened in most of the developing nations that were taking advantage of the liberalizing and globalizing of trade. Other areas such as democracy, universal suffrage, feminism, literacy, child labor, the use of electricity and other electronic gadgets had gotten a substantial boost because the dwellers of these regions are getting a boost from the economic activity created by globalization. Globalization also has other advantages especially with its latest version where new introductions had surpassed the stage of opening once border for trading partners without any barrier had. Big corporations from the advanced regions had their eyes on the cheap labor of the developing countries for a long time and had started outsourcing work by opening businesses there. That in fact had been the major breakthrough of globalization where an unprecedented level of employments had come into existence in the developing regions even if what they pay is miniscule when compared with what they are paying in their own country of origin or if they have to open business in other much advanced regions. The outsourcing itself had created enough problems in the nations where the jobs are migrating from by taking away good paying jobs abroad. The unionized and highly militant local workers who are demanding higher share of what the businesses are generating remain behind stranded and without equivalent job opportunity, the main reason why many businesses started outsourcing their work to locations where the labor is cheap. Those nations that are allowing these multinationals to open businesses, of course, are creating employment at a very high scale that could transform a given developing region into a high earning workforce. However, not all of these economic activities are without their disadvantages. Some are claiming that such huge economic activities have raised the poverty level, introduced inequality, injustice, and have eroded some traditions in the regions where they are taking place (Colombia University). It is very difficult to substantiate such claims even if it had been obvious that those who are in the countries of origin of the outsourced countries had been at a disadvantage to the point where the only sector that offered them job opportunity was low paying service jobs. Nevertheless, in the countries these jobs are relocating they are a source of new income that was not in existence and a windfall the involved nations cannot bring into existence by their own. The fact that any economic activity will introduce new changes is undeniable and it is possible to look at a handful of new changes that would occur. Other than that, many nations have taken advantage of globalization and have changed their economic and social status permanently while others are struggling to repeat the same feat. Therefore, overall, the recent development in globalization, even if it had availed an unprecedented advantage to those who have the money and the resources and of course, put those who are losing their lucrative well-paying jobs to regions where labor is cheap at a disadvantage, it had been found more beneficial (UOC). Immigration Immigration on the other hand is when people leave the country they were born in and change location outside of their country of origin to live and work, mostly long term. There are various reasons why people choose to immigrate and one of them is economical, although it does not have a direct correlation with globalization. Statistics has it that one-third or close to 190 million people around the world were immigrants in the year 2005. What contributes to immigration could fall into two main categories. The first category is â€Å"pull†, which means there has to be something, somewhere that attracts people and the major catalyst in the pull category is economics where people would like to immigrate somewhere they believe they will get a better chance of finding work. The pull reason cannot be limited to economic reasons even if for the majority of immigrants their main attraction is job opportunity and leading a better life than they have at home, for both themselves and their family members. The â€Å"push† aspect of immigration on the other hand is that there could be certain aspect that would force people to leave the place of their birth to find a new home that will offer them better than what they have at home in a form of employment, business opportunity, finding good health care for themselves as well as their family, good education for themselves and their families and at the same time to get away from political or religious problems at home whey they could have been persecuted. These are the major reasons that are the cause of immigration, as there are minor reasons where immigrants might want to be with their families abroad and the like. Not every country or geographical location is fit for immigration and the best location for immigrants for hundreds of years had been the Americas that did not relent since the discovery of huge landmass in the Americas. Most probably that would be the highest wave of immigration recorded in history, as many people were able to find their way to these regions unobstructed and often the European powers were facilitating their going to these regions every since they had discovered and started controlling these regions. The same is applicable today as the U. S. alone is receiving around one million immigrants on a yearly basis. The only difference is the origin of the immigrants is not only Europe as it used to be when the nations in the Americas started to be established. Currently, immigrants could originate from anywhere in the world. Even if the improved law whose pattern and requirement is constantly changing, still the borders of the U. S. and Canada are open and Canada at least allows up to 200,000 immigrants yearly that could originate from anywhere in the globe and some of them could be investors or entrepreneurs with capital. Mexico, China, India, and Philippines had been the leading countries where the new immigrants are originating from (Asia Pacific). Largely in the U. S. , there are those labeled as illegal immigrants that are in the country mostly to work illegally. Their main source of their origin is South and Central America although the majority of them could be from Mexico where the estimated number of illegal immigrants could reach one and half million. Without accounting for this group, the U. S. population had swollen by 2. 8 million people just between 2004 and 2005 revealing the influx has become worrisome to the U. S. administration that is coming up with various mechanisms to at least curb the number of illegal immigrants from countries such as Mexico. Just to reveal the effect of the influx in one of the western states of the U. S. California, the non-Hispanic whites who were at 80% in the 1970s now had come down to 43% in 2006.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Introduction Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods that are derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Genetically modified organisms (GMOS) are defined as organisms in which the genetic material i.e. DNA has been altered in a way that doesn’t occur naturally. Genetically modified foods or genetically modified organisms are most commonly referred to crop plants that are made for human and or animal consumption using molecular biology techniques. When these plants are modified they are done in the laboratory to enhance traits that are desirable , for example, improving the nutritional content of foods and increased resistance to herbicides. When developing genetically modified plants, one or more genes are usually added to the plants genome in the lab, the plant can then be tested for other desirable traits like the delayed ripening of tomatoes which in turn is helpful for the transportation and storage of tomatoes. GM foods are produced for many reasons, the main one being the advantages to the producer or to the customer. Initially the objective of developing plants using GM organisms was to improve the protection of crops. Currently the crops that are in the market are mainly aimed at increasing the level of protection given to crops by introducing resistance against plant disease that can be cause by insects or viruses or herbicides. What is food security? The World food summit have defined food security as existing â€Å"when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life.† The concept of food security is defined as when both the economic and physical access to foods that meet the people’s needs and for fill their dietary needs. In many developing cou... ...pesticides. As discussed earlier, the use of less pesticides can have a big positive impact on human health. There is a chance when using GM foods to be able to increase the nutritional value of a food as I discussed earlier with â€Å"golden† rice. This is a big step for developing countries as rice is their main staple diet, so in being able to enhance the rice with the appropriate nutrients that they will need in everyday life is a big advantage. In relation to food security, GM foods have the possibilities to enhance food sustainability. However, there are a number of issues that will still need to be discussed if GM labelling becomes mandatory such as; who will be responsible for educating the public about GM food labels. The biggest issue will be educating the public with correct information without damaging the public trust and causing fear of GM food products.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How many Ski’s do they stock?

Seaport is n very few stores; therefore they are an exclusive distributor. 3. In return for providing an exclusive, what marketing demands do exclusive brands require of Seaport? They will run an ad or put items in the windows for a limited time. 4. What is the responsibility of the merchandising team? What do they do? The merchandising team is responsible for the relationships with the vendors. They are the ones who get the vendors to join the Seaport family. They also help with what stores they will go to, marketing programs and how he brand will grow. . What is the responsibility of an inventory strategist? What do they do? The inventory strategists are responsible for the quantity of the product. 6. What is the responsibility of the distributor? The distributor places the items in every sellers doors, and keeping up with all stock levels. 7. How many brands does Seaport sell? 150_ How many Ski's do they stock? Over 1 0,000 8. What are some challenges Seaport faces in keeping all brands in stock without cookouts?Can brands keep up with the growth rate; they may not be able to produce enough products as they need. 9. What are some metrics they keep track of daily? Every time a product is sold it goes through the POS system and is automatically taken out of inventory. They can pull up: the average dollar sale, how much they are selling to a client, and the units per transaction they are selling to a client. They can pull up, at any time of the day, how much volume that is currently in the store.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Poverty in Botswana Essay

Poverty is defined either in relative or absolute terms. According to Datta, 1995: 99, relative poverty is the deprivation in comparison to the living standards of other people who are the majority. On the other hand, absolute poverty refers to lack of minimum resources to maintain a minimum standard of living. The statistical measures used by the governments conceal so much about poverty, its extent, victims, and even the distribution. This is because mostly it is seen in economic terms such as Gross National Product or the per capita income which has been employed as the real indicator of social welfare. However it has been noticed that this method of measurement is concealing a great deal of information on poverty e. g. the internal variation in the progress in economic development by different groups in the population. Since Botswana achieved self governance in the 1966, it has experienced rapid economic growth; poverty in the rural areas has persisted over these years. There has also been brisk development to show in terms of infrastructure, education and health development. Botswana just like any other African country is still considered a third world country hence the endemic poverty has not escaped this southern African state considered to be having huge economic growth annually. Even though significant progress has been made in the last two decades in terms of economic growth, i. e. per capita gross domestic product increasing from 1,600 dollars in 1980 to nearly 10, 000 dollars today, most analysts argue that there is slim chances of the country halving the number of people living on less than a dollar a day by 2015. According to the household survey done in the country in 2002/2003 the unemployment rate was 23. 8 percent. It also indicated that income inequality in Botswana also increased between 1987 and 2003 hence analyst argue that poverty is not only quite widespread but also deeply rooted because it has persisted despite growth. However according to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 47% of the populations live below the poverty line, that is, they live on less than one dollar a day. Further half of female headed households live on less than one dollar a day (Challenges 2006-7: Poverty in Botswana persists despite growth). This UNDP survey also indicate that the poorest 20% of the population get a merely 4% of the national income while the 20% richest share a whooping 60 percent of the total national income. According to McFarlan M in his paper;’ The Micro economic impact of HIV/AIDS in Botswana’, this statistics shows the high level of inequality in Botswana. That the urban- rural divide intensifies the already rampant inequality. The further statistics shows that four out of five members of a household still depend on the income from a family member in urban and that about one-fifth of rural households do not have any income source that could be recorded (MacFarlan M et al 2001) Women education Poverty does not necessarily refer to lack of possessions or income, experts argue that it also refer to lack of skills, knowledge, understanding and empowerment. It also refers to as a household’s financial inability to meet its basic nutritional, education and shelter needs (UNICEF, 1993: 77). Poverty hence tend to be more severe in particular groups in a society like low income groups, female- headed households, rural communities who cannot access social amenities like schools. Poverty, women and lack of education has been reported in many parts of the world, both in developed and developing countries. These uneducated female household heads are relatively younger and poorer. With lack of information and having high dependency burden, the circle of poverty continues. Poverty in Botswana has remained mainly a rural phenomenon whose bulk population are women. The female headed households are highly affected. This trend has been a cycle where female- headed house holds whose offspring are female end up heading their own households with inherited poverty. Botswana’s rural women lack access to economic opportunities and resources. Women also have no access to opportunities in economic resource exploitations. They lack access to agricultural land and other resources like technology, employment and credit. Whenever a poverty alleviation program fails in the village, it is women who feel the pinch because they form the bulk of those who depend wholly in agriculture.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Graduate School Essay

Graduate School Essay Graduate School Essay I am rendering my applicationfor a graduate program in your institution seeking for an opportunity to study in your graduate school in the department of Athletic Administration. This is my major in the degree programs across the university. I have been seeking for this opportunity to many institutions and found it exceptionally advisable to trust your graduate course in prospering and advancing my career in this field. I want to study Athletic Administration because I have a prospect that it will be of value in diversifying my experience as an athletic administrator and advance my knowledge in other fields that have been working on including coaching in basketball, outdoor tracking and as field coach in several sports in my career. This will have an input in generating confidence within me on handling respective tasks assigned under athletic administration and carrying out duties effectively with the expertise exercised from the graduate course practical lessons. I believe in the provision and maintenance of non-negotiable high standards and quality service in all fields with athletic administration not an exemption, which is why I feel I need more knowledge in this field by pursuing a degree from the institution. My end goal is to be an expert in this field, increase my productivity, and output in the athletic profession. I hold some experience in athletic administration as an Athletic Director at the Girls and Boys Club with expertise in administration. I also happen to hold surmountable experience as a basketball coach in a boys high school with expertise in advanced coaching. My greatest experiences extend as an Outdoor Track and Field coach in high school. Added to this experience is the 30 years in the teaching profession dealing, guiding and interacting with students of both sexes. During this period of my work at the Boys Girls Clubs in high schools, I had the best opportunity of observing and working with the existing athletic administration systems used currently but my zeal is to learn more and become an expert in the same field. I also happened to be in touch with other professionals in the same with diverse knowledge and expertise that they shared and it gives me a bigger challenge to advance my knowledge by exploring more and taking a degree course in athletic administration. Once I obtain the degree in athletic administration from the university, I will be well equipped to explore other fields and expertise areas in athletics including baseball, that I am a fun and indoor games including tennis and badminton. It will also be a high time that I venture into professional coaching with a greater expertise in athletics. This will be of value because I will practice athletic administration as a career and pursue a job in the same field to earn a living in such a diversified field of expertise. The athletic degree will give me a strong foundation and add to my analytical skills since the athletic profession involves many and long-term application required for the advancement of the profession. I have a belief that athletic administration is a remarkable blend of experience that can give me a chance of creativity and innovation and a chance to come up with an original point of view. I will also develop diversity in this field with an experience offered in your institution. My most valuable accomplishment has been the success of athletics performances in schools and for professionals where working with the participants will be of exceptional value in reaching my goals as an athletic administrator. I would be a pleasure to get started and complete the course in due time.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Get the Most Realistic SAT Practice Test Experience

How to Get the Most Realistic SAT Practice Test Experience SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Choosing the best way to practice for the SAT can be difficult; there are a lot of study options out there, but not all of them may give you an accurate indicator of how well you’ll do on test day.Taking SAT practice tests under realistic testing conditions is a great way to practice for the SAT and get an estimate what your score will be on the real test. There are many free SAT practice tests available that you can take in your own home, however; it can be challenging to simulate real test-taking conditions.The closer the conditions of your practice test are to the real SAT, the more useful and accurate your results will be.Read on to learn how you can recreate realistic testing conditions at home in order to get the most accurate results from SAT practice tests. This guide will give you all the information you need to create realistic testing conditions for a practice SAT exam. There are eight recommendations to follow in order to have an ultra realistic practice test: Take a complete test Have the required materials Have a set starting time Simulate a classroom environment Have an â€Å"official test† mindset Keep strict timing on each section Use only official breaks Review your exam results Benefits of Realistic Practice Test Conditions Like other methods of preparing for the SAT, taking practice tests can help youbecome more familiar with the types of questions that are asked on the exam and identify subject areas you should focus your future studying on. Taking a practice test in a realistic setting is even better because it gives you the most accurate sense of how you're scoring and helps you feel comfortable with and prepared for the test day proceedings. Let's go over the benefits of realistic testing in more depth so you know why this extra hassle is worth the effort. More Accurate Scores The closer your practice SAT is to real test-taking conditions, the more accurate your scores will be because your practice tests will take many variables into account, such as if you were able to finish each section before time ran out and how well you were able to concentrate with only limited breaks. Having more accurate scores gives you a better estimate of what your total SAT score would be, as well as how well you would do on each separate test section. This will let you more accurately determine what your strengths and weaknesses are and make your future studying more effective. Better Understanding of How Test Length Affects You SATs are long tests: the current version, including breaks, takes roughly four hours,if you include the optional essay. While answering individual practice questions can help you improve your score, taking full-length practice tests help you learn how well you hold up after several hours of testing. For example, you may discover that your scores drop on the later sections of the test because you find it harder to stay focused. Youmaynot have discovered this information if you’d never taken a full-length practice test under realistic conditions, and it gives you something to prepare for.Taking multiple full-length practice tests will also increase your test-taking stamina, so you're less likely to run out of energy during the real SAT. Less Anxiety About the Test The more familiar you are with something, the less worrisome it becomes.By making your practice exam test conditions close to those of the real SAT, you will become more familiar with the exam and its format, so that when you take the SAT you will know what to expect and will likely be more relaxed and prepared. How to Make Practice Testing as Realistic as Possible #1: Take a Complete Test In order to make your practice test as realistic as possible, you should take a complete practice test.TheCollege Board currently hasfour official practice tests for the SAT available. Taking an official practice test is important because it will keep your practice test experience as realistic as possible and give you the most accurate estimate of what your scores will be on the real SAT. Before you begin the test, print off the entire exam and its instructions so that you are ready to go.For your practice test, you should bubble in the answers on the answer sheet, just like you would for the real SAT. #2: Have the Required Materials The SAT has very specific rules on what you must bring, can bring, and are forbidden to bring on test day. Learn these rules ahead of time and follow them during your practice test. The SAT requires you to bring: Photo ID (such as a driver’s license or school ID) Your SAT admission ticket with your photo printed on it Two No. 2 pencils, with erasers Calculator: try and use the same calculator you plan to use for the real SAT, and make sure it meets the SAT’s calculator requirements Have these four things with you for the practice exam (using a blank sheet of paper that represents your admission ticket), so that you get used to remembering to bring them. Other things you should bring: A watch: this will help you keep track of your time because you can never be sure if there will be a clock visible during the test. Make sure your watch doesn’t beep though, because that is grounds to get you dismissed from the exam. Snacks and water: the SAT is a long test and having something to eat and drink during the break can help keep your energy up. Do not have cameras, notebooks, or your own scratch paper with you during your practice test, and if you have your phone near you, make sure it is turned off for the entire exam. #3: Have a Set Starting Time You and the parent who is proctoring you should establish beforehand when you will take your SAT.In order to be as similar to a real SAT as possible, this practice test should begin when real SATs do: at 8:00am on a Saturday. This is early, but taking your practice test at that time will help you be better prepared for the real SAT and know how well you function that early in the morning.Regard this start time as unchangeable. You cannot push it back or change it, even if you accidentally ended up staying out with your friends late the night before, decide you want work out, or want to watch some Netflix. You won’t be able to delay the start time of the real SAT, so don’t do it for the practice SAT either. Get up early enough so that by 8:00 AM, you're sitting at the desk or table where you’ll take the exam, with all your materials ready. #4: Simulate a Classroom Environment The room where you’ll be taking your practice SAT should be as close to a classroom as possible, because that's likely where you’ll take the actual exam.Don’t take your test while sitting on the couch or in a room that other family members will frequently be walking through. Pick a quiet room where you and your proctor you will be undisturbed, and sit at a desk or table.Only have necessary materials around you. Your phone should also be turned off and put awaylike it will be for the real exam. This is very important to rememberbecause having your phone on for the real SAT is enough to get you kicked out of the exam and your scores tossed out. #5: Have an "Official Test" Mindset Both you and your proctor should have the mindset throughout the entire test that this a realistic practice exam and should be as close to a real SAT as possible.The person acting as your proctor (likely your parent), should act as much like an official proctor as possible.This means things like reading instructions aloud,not making jokes, and not watching TVor listening loudly to music while you’re taking the test. You should take this test as seriously as you would a real SAT. Don’t ask for extra time, don’t try to check your phone during the test, don’t skip questions just because you got tired and know this isn’t a â€Å"real† test.If you wouldn’t do it during the real SAT, don’t do it during this practice exam. Taking a practice test under realistic conditions can provide you with a very accurate example of how you’d score on the real SAT, which can significantly help your future studying and raise your score for the actual exam, so take the practice test seriously. #6: Keep Strict Timing on Each Test Section This is one of the most important things you can do to help make your results from your practice SAT as accurate as possible.Not only is the SAT long, but it also includes a lot of questions in each section. Taking the test under real timing conditions will help you get used to the time pressures of the SAT and improve your time management skills. Your practice test will state how long you have for each section, and your proctor should follow the SAT’s time restrictions exactly.Have your proctor keep track of the time with a watch or timer, announcing when you have five minutes left in each section. You can also keep track of the time with your watch, if you’re wearing one. As soon as your proctor calls time, set your pencil down. Do not ask for or try to take any additional time. Even adding two extra minutes to a section can allow you to answer several more questions, which will give you an inflated and less accurate score.If you finish a section before time is called, do not move onto the next section to try and finish the test sooner. Just like you would for the real SAT, review your answers for that section until time is called. #7: Use Only Official Breaks The SAT has only three breaks, each between five and ten minutes long. These breaks usually come after the 2nd, 4th, and 6th sections of the exam. For the redesigned SAT, there will likely be two breaks, a ten-minute break after the writing section and a five-minute break before the essay.During your practice test, you should only take breaks at these times, and only for the specific amount of time allowed. Like strictly timing your sections, this will get you more used to the challenges of taking a long test with few breaks, which will let you see if this affects your score and help you improve your test-taking endurance. During these breaks, don’t do things you wouldn’t be able to do during the real SAT breaks, like check your phone, go on the computer, or go outside.You can (and should) use these breaks to get up and stretch, sharpen your pencils, use the bathroom, and eat the snacks or drinks you brought with you. Optional: Take Your Practice Test With Others This isn’t a requirement, but if you have other friends studying for the SAT, it can be helpful to take your practice tests at the same time.Doing sowill make your practice test closer to the real thing because you’ll take the real SAT with other people in the room, and, when you do, you’ll be more used to noises other test takers can make, like rustling papers or tapping their feet. #8: Grade and Review Your Exam Once you've finished with the entire test, take a short break before reviewing your answers. This can be anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Either you or your proctor should grade your multiple choice answers.If you included the writing section, try to have two other people grade it, following the SAT’s essay rubric.Also check out our guide on converting your raw score into a scaled score. Now you have your score for your practice SAT, but you’re not finished yet.You should review each question you got wrong or guessed on, working to understand what mistakes you made and how you can avoid making them again in the future.If you skip this step, your SAT scores likely won’t improve much, no matter how many practice tests you take because you’ll keep repeating the same mistakes. Check out our guide on the best way to review missed questions on the SAT. We also have a ton of resources to help you study for the SAT and raise your score. Check some of them out below. SAT Study Resources Want to learn ways to boost your SAT score? Learn the 15SAT tricks you should be using. Don't have a lot of time to study for the SAT? Learn the best last-minute study tips you should use. Wondering when you should begin your SAT prep? We have a step-by-step guide that tells you how long you should study for the SAT. Wondering what other study options there are beyond official practice tests? Learn about smart alternatives to officialtests. Aiming for a 1600 on the SAT? Check out our guide on how to get a perfect SAT score. Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Christine Sarikas About the Author Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Sunday, November 3, 2019

Holocaust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Holocaust - Essay Example Germany lost battle during the war. The German economy dropped drastically. Apparently, the Germans started developing hatred towards the Jews since most of them, at that time were well off. Hitler was among those who had an extreme hatred for the Jews. He tried unsuccessfully to vie for presidency in Germany. However, he occupied a leadership position in the German governing system. It was through that position that he started spreading the message of hate towards the Jews. In 1933, Hitler rose to power and introduced anti-Semitism that meant hatred towards to Jews. He introduced holocaust that lead to the death of 6 million Jews. This paper will attempt to explain activities that took place during the Holocaust. It is obvious that many Jews and some Germans perished the atrocious events that happened during the reign of Hitler. Apparently, Hitler did not commit the activities alone. He received support from collaborators who did not like the Jews. Moreover, due to his experience, e ducation, and influence he was able to lure people and collaborators to join his quest. According to most articles considering events that took place during the holocaust it is difficult to explain the causes of Holocaust. However, many factors supported it and contributed largely to atrocious activities that took place during Hitler reign. Some of the factors that influenced holocaust dates back when Jesus Christ was alive and living in Israel, home to many Jews (Walters, 2009). After the death of Christ, most people across the world, including the Germans, developed hatred towards the Jews. Germans viewed them as the people responsible for the death of Jesus. Many Germans are Christians. Therefore, most of them believed in the message communicated by Jesus. For this reason, they grew hatred when they met those related to Jesus murderers. According to the most Germans, they were revenging for Jesus Christ. At a young age, especially after First World War,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Statistical Models for Forecasting milk production Statistics Project

Statistical Models for Forecasting milk production - Statistics Project Example In time series analysis, an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model is a generalization of an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model. In theory, the most general class of models for forecasting a time series are stationary and can be made stationary by transformations such as differencing and logging. ARIMA models form an important part of the Box-Jenkins approach to time-series modeling. A non-seasonal ARIMA model is classified as an ARIMA (p, d, q) model, where: p is the number of autoregressive terms, d is the number of non-seasonal differences and q is the number of moving average terms.Estimation At the identification stage one or more models are tentatively chosen that seem to provide statistically adequate representations of the available data. The parameters are estimated by modified least squares or the maximum likelihood techniques appropriate to time series data.Diagnostic For adequacy of the model, the residuals are examined from the fitted model and alternative models are considered. Different models can be obtained for various combinations of AR and MA individually and collectively. The satisfactory model is considered which adequately fits the data.Method selection The best model is obtained on the basis of minimum value of Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) which is given by:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   AIC = -2 log L + 2m   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Where m = p + q   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   L is the likelihood function p& q are orders of Auto-Regressive and Moving Average models respectively - number of parameters, Akaike (1974)